A regular physical examination is just as important for your pet as it is for you. Our veterinarians recommend a complete physical examination for your pet at least once, and perhaps twice a year. During a physical examination, our veterinarian will listen to your pet’s heart and lungs, evaluate your pet’s vision, look for any unusual lumps or swelling and check your pet’s teeth and oral cavity, among other procedures.
Routine examinations give us an opportunity to develop a picture of your pet’s overall health. Examinations are also essential in spotting problems before they become serious health issues. During an exam, your veterinarian may also talk to you about home healthcare for your pet. An examination is also a good time for your pet to get up-to-date on his or her vaccinations. We do well-pet, preventative medicine, like vaccinations, flea control, nutrition counseling, behavioral counseling, and micro chipping. We do examinations and write health certificates for interstate travel, as well as health certificates to Hawaii, the United Kingdom, Europe and Australia.